German Drama Company: Der Kornkreis (2024 Production)

The German Drama Company’s 2024 production, Der Kornkreis (The Crop Circle), was performed on 2nd-6th July at the University of Auckland’s Drama Studio.

Synopsis: A mysterious crop circle in Farmer Schulte's wheat field...could it be a sign of extraterrestrials, or is it simply crop damage by nefarious trespassers? Soon, curious onlookers are flocking to the field, and the media are all over it. The mayor of Drögenfeld is thrilled, as the media attention promises fame and glory, as well as pouring money into the empty municipal coffers. But we soon discover that all is not as it seems. How did the crop circle get there? Could the unbelievable happen?

The German Drama Company look forward to putting on more shows to promote the German language in the future! For more information about the German Drama Company and how to be part of future productions, visit: