AGM and Weihnachtsfeier (December 1st 2022)

The Auckland Goethe Society celebrated the end of another successful year with its AGM, followed by the annual Weihnachtsfeier. There was Stollen from Diehl’s Bakery and alcohol-free Glühwein (mulled wine) provided, which were enjoyed by the members while mingling. As a special concert, three of the committee members Courtney Sole (President), Vanessa Chong (Secretary), and Zoë Kiefte (Vice-President) performed a selection of Christmas songs on keyboard and saxophone to get everyone into the Weihnachtsstimmung (Christmas mood).

Thank you to everyone who organised and attended this event. Frohe Weihnachten und guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! We will see you all for more exciting events celebrating German language and culture in 2023.

Written by Eve Walter