Game Board Night
/Lots of laughter
Setting the table
On Wednesday, June 13th, the Auckland Goethe Society invited to an evening of German board games. The cosy atmosphere in the Humanities Common Room of Auckland University was the perfect antidote to the cold and dark weather conditions outside. The number of entrants was not large but all the more passionate about playing board games. We had some excellent German versions of popular games.
Stocked up with chips, Gummibaerchen, crackers, cheese, soft drinks and juice, we dived into the games. The only challenge was the agony of choice. We enjoyed the evening very much, whether we played 'Pirateninse', 'Spiel des Lebens' or 'Reise um die Welt'. It was all fun and entertainment and the participants would like to have a repeat. Bring it on.
Fun for young and old ones