Liebe Mitglieder,
You are cordially invited to the Auckland Goethe Society’s annual Weihnachtsfeier!
2020 is coming to an end and it's time to celebrate Christmas together by enjoying some delicious German stollen! The stollen will be supplied by a German bakery and we will also supply tasty finger food and drinks. This year we will have two gifted students from the University of Auckland's School of Music to entertain us and get us in the Christmas mood.
Our AGM will also take place the same evening (6-7pm), before the Christmas event (7:30-9pm). You're welcome to attend the AGM to hear more about the activities of the Auckland Goethe Society (which is an Incorporated Society) and its finances.
To attend, please register via Eventbrite by Monday 7 December 2020, 11:30pm using the following link: